If you'd like to receive some Free Zioncoins, please share your wallet address here.

If you don't have a Stellar wallet we recommend you download Lobstr Stellar Mobile Wallet here: https://lobstr.co/ and add Zioncoin.org.uk through the trustline. Open app go to Asset, go to More Assets, Add Custom, enter the hole and complete domain name: https://zioncoin.org.uk/ and click add.

However you will not be able to Add Zioncoin until you have funded your wallet with at least 1 xlm. Share your address here and we can fund you 1 xlm and 100 Zi free.

Also please download Blockchain app wallet: https://www.blockchain.com/wallet
and get free xlm, you need to verify your ID it takes 5mins.

Why are we giving away Zioncoins?

We need to distribute our asset in ordered to create more use cases, more use cases more value. It's also in our interest to increase liquidity,  so we need more people trading XLM for Zi.





Simply promote Zioncoin the same way we promote the Foundation to you. You signup 10 people making sure they register a Zioncoin Vabc project, a lobstr.co account to create zioncoin trustline; a blockchain.com account to claim your free xlm.

We will give you 1000 Zi and 10 xlm to send 100 Zi and 1xlm to each person you signup and that creates the Zioncoin.org.uk trustline.
its easy and simple and you can trade by selling xlm for Zi As a promise to trade see t's & c's.

Get your friends, family members and work colleges to join a zioncoin.org.uk vabc project, create a lobstr.co account, send them 1 xlm to activate the account, show them how to create a zioncoin.org.uk trustline as seen here: https://zioncoin.org.uk/2018/11/29/how-to-create-a-lobstr-wallet-and-a-zioncoin-org-uk-trustline/ (Please view link on desk top or laptop/tablet this page see not mobile friendly).

You send them 100 Zi ( we will refund you 100 Zi plus give you another 100 Zi for getting them registered so you will get 200 Zi).

It's also very important you make sure they create a blockchain.com account and claim their free xlm, see the reason why here: https://www.blockchain.com/getcrypto

By doing this it's free and easy to honor your promise to trade we ask that you trade at least 20 XLM for Zi.