You can see you have two addresses, I find it easier to use my payment address because its my name and *, you can use either to receive xlm and Zi.

You’ll need to share one of these address so we can send you 1 XLM to activate your account.

To add a trustline to you'll need to click Assets as you can see in the picture above, You'll then see the picture below so click ((More Assets))





First you need to download the Lobstr app to your phone/tablet or you can use on wallet from your browser here:

You should find the app looks similar to the picture on the left. Once you done that click ((Receive)) and you see your wallet addresses see picture below

So simply click ((More Assets)) as you can see in the picture on the left: now you'll see the page below.

Now as you can see below there are a list of popular assets, (we’re not that popular yet but we’ll get there). So in the mean time we have to add our asset as custom

So simple scroll down the list to the bottom and click ((Add custom)) 


Now as you can see above are a list of popular assets, (we’re not that popular yet but we’ll get there). So in the mean time we have to add our asset as custom.

So simple scroll down the list to the bottom and click ((Add custom)) 

As you can see on the left Now your ready to add asset

and click  ((add))

We can now send you some Zioncoins Zi for you to hold and send to your friends and family.

Just like the way Bitcoin started!